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Events Ombre d'Uva

  • Australian wine tasting
    Australian wine tasting
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
    As you know, I am a fan of Australian wines. As I have done in the past, I have decided to share this passion with you. In this episode we will take a trip to Cape Grace Winery, Margaret River.
  • Tasting of my wines
    Tasting of my wines
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
  • South African wine tasting
    South African wine tasting
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
    Time to be defined
    Place to be defined
    In addition to the passion for Australian wines, I have also cultivated a passion for South African ones. So I decided to share this other passion with you. In this episode we will make a trip to South Africa, more precisely in the Stellenbosch.
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